This computes the correlation function as derived in Matern model, see Matern (1960) eq. (2.4.7). For nu=1, see Whittle (1954) eq. (68). For the limiting case of nu=0, see Besag (1981) eq. (14-15).
cWhittleMatern(x, range, nu, kappa = sqrt(8 * nu)/range)
Whittle, P. (1954) On Stationary Processes in the Plane. Biometrika, Vol. 41, No. 3/4, pp. 434-449.
Matern, B. (1960) Spatial Variation: Stochastic models and their application to some problems in forest surveys and other sampling investigations. PhD Thesis.
Besag, J. (1981) On a System of Two-Dimensional Recurrence Equations. JRSS-B, Vol. 43 No. 3, pp. 302-309.