Define the stationary SPDE cgeneric model for INLA.
constr = FALSE,
debug = FALSE,
useINLAprecomp = TRUE,
libpath = NULL
- mesh
triangulation mesh to discretize the model.
- alpha
integer used to compute the smoothness parameter.
- control.priors
named list with parameter priors. This shall contain
each one as a length two vector with (U, a) to define the PC-prior parameters such that P(range<U)=a and P(sigma>U)=a, respectively. See Fuglstad et. al. (2019) <DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2017.1415907>. If a=0 then U is taken to be the fixed value of the parameter.- constr
logical to indicate if the integral of the field over the domain is to be constrained to zero. Default value is FALSE.
- debug
integer indicating the debug level. Will be used as logical by INLA.
- useINLAprecomp
logical indicating if is to be used shared object pre-compiled by INLA. Not considered if libpath is provided.
- libpath
string to the shared object. Default is NULL.
This is the stationary case of INLA::inla.spde2.pcmatern()
with slight change on the marginal variance when the domain is
the sphere, following Eq. (23) in Lindgren et. al. (2024).
Geir-Arne Fuglstad, Daniel Simpson, Finn Lindgren & Håvard Rue (2019). Constructing Priors that Penalize the Complexity of Gaussian Random Fields. Journal of the American Statistical Association, V. 114, Issue 525.
Finn Lindgren, Haakon Bakka, David Bolin, Elias Krainski and Håvard Rue (2024). A diffusion-based spatio-temporal extension of Gaussian Matérn fields. SORT 48 (1), 3-66 <doi: 10.57645/20.8080.02.13>